26th March 2020

Please note in view of the current situation our phones are only being manned between 10am and 2pm.

Outside of those hours we are only contactable by direct email to the member of staff dealing with your matter.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you

All at Sanderson McCreath & Edney


22nd March 2020

By way of further update I regret that we have closed our offices to visitors with immediate effect. This is a decision that we have taken far from lightly but we believe that it gives us the best chance  of being able to meet clients needs whilst keeping staff and clients safe.

The alternative would be to close the office altogether which is not something we wish to contemplate at the present time.

Please be assured that we will continue to work on your matters and deal with your enquiries. We will do so through the use of post, email and telephone.

Our rationale is that being able to offer an altered form of client service is better than not being able to offer any service at all.

Please continue to contact us by telephone, email and post and we will deal with your enquiry in the most effective  but with the least risk to health way that we can.

Many thanks

All at Sanderson McCreath & Edney


20th March 2020

The office currently remains open for business.

At present all of our staff remain fit and well and wish to continue to be there for you, our clients. We appreciate it is a very anxious time for everyone. If you have any legal concerns at all, please contact the office and we will do our best to find a way to help you, avoiding any social contact, or visits to the office as much as possible.

In the current situation we wish to assure you we are doing our best to push through all ongoing property sales and purchases.

If you are thinking about updating your Will, or need to create one from scratch, please telephone the office. Telephone appointments can be made avoiding any visit to the office. Instructions can then be taken over the phone.

The same procedure is in place should you wish to set up any Lasting Power of Attorney or if you are facing the loss of a loved one and require our assistance in finalising their affairs.

Please do not struggle at home on your own. We wish to carry on as normal for as long as possible. We will keep you informed as soon as we face any possible delays or disruption.

Sanderson McCreath & Edney

Tel: 01289 306724


18th March 2020

We appreciate that some of our clients may have concerns about the current outbreak of Covid-19 (Coronavirus).

The chance of catching the virus is low but we take our responsibilities to our staff and clients very seriously.

With this in mind we are taking the following precautions in the office and will continue to do so until the risk passes:

  1. Hand cleanser and wipes have been placed in our reception area and are freely available for clients to use. Any clients wishing to wash their hands on arriving at or leaving the office are welcome to do so.
  2. Hand towels within the office have been replaced with disposable paper towels.
  3. We ask that clients be on time for appointments but not arrive excessively early to avoid waiting in reception thereby minimising contact.
  4. Any clients who feel unwell or are displaying symptoms are asked to either reschedule their appointment or request a scheduled appointment for advice over the telephone rather than in person.
  5. Our staff have been advised that if they display any symptoms then they should not come into the office. If this happens then please bear with us if we have to reschedule appointments

If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact the office for further advice and assistance.